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Quality Healthcare for Veterans
The New England PVA’s primary focus is veterans’ issues, notably quality healthcare for veterans with spinal cord injuries and dysfunction (SCI/D) such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). New England PVA is interested in all issues affecting the lives of persons with disabilities. New England PVA routinely works with other community civic groups and agencies, and has always been a strong advocate for accessibility in all aspects of life that are available to the general population.
New England Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America Key Objectives:
- To promote medical research to cure spinal cord dysfunction and it’s related issues.
- To advocate for and monitor the delivery of high quality and appropriate health care services and access to these services.
- To assist in identifying and securing veterans’ benefits for spinal cord injured and diseased veterans and others, as appropriate.
- To educate society on the attitudinal, physical, and legal barriers which confront persons with disabilities and to influence the removal of those barriers.
- To provide information and opportunities for health promotion, recreation, employment, services, and camaraderie for spinal cord injured and diseased veterans and others, as appropriate.
- To seek the support of other groups and individuals who share our objectives.
- To take those actions necessary to restore spinal cord injured or diseased veterans’ bodies or life potentials, as closely as is humanly possible, to those of Americans not suffering spinal cord dysfunction.

Who We Are
Meet our dedicated leadership team, staff experts, and volunteers who serve our paralyzed veterans.
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Meet our dedicated leadership team, staff experts, and volunteers who serve our paralyzed veterans.

Financial Information & Governance
Ethical | Legal | Transparent
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Ethical | Legal | Transparent

CordWord Newsletters
Award winning and nationally recognized Monthly publication about our programs available to chapter members of New England’s PVA, volunteers, and anyone who wants to stay up to date with how we serve our paralyzed veterans.
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Award winning and nationally recognized Monthly publication about our programs available to chapter members of New England’s PVA, volunteers, and anyone who wants to stay up to date with how we serve our paralyzed veterans.