Paralyzed Veterans of America is UnstoppABLE in our service to all veterans and people living with disabilities. We:

  • Advocate for high-quality health care for our veterans and champion important issues that protect the civil rights of people with disabilities.
  • Connect veterans with our National Service Officers who help them secure the benefits they deserve from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Provide legal services to veterans who may have been denied benefits they have earned through their service and sacrifice.
  • Examine, monitor, and audit the quality of health care and related programs at all VA SCI/D Centers and health facilities, and advocate for vital improvements.
  • Fund research that has changed lives.
  • Provide critical architectural support to help ensure that public and private buildings, facilities, and sports complexes are ADA compliant.
  • Offer veterans employment support including resume review, interview coaching, employer introductions, and networking opportunities for successful job placement.
  • Provide and support the most comprehensive adaptive sports programs for veterans around the country including the National Veterans Wheelchair Games.

All our programs and services are provided to veterans and their families FREE OF CHARGE – and that is all because of our UnstoppABLE supporters!