Home // Sports & Activities // Adaptive Activities // Bowling
Bowling is a great recreational and competitive sport that many New England PVA members enjoy playing. It is easily adaptive, which allows people with almost any physical disability to participate in a wheelchair. Wheelchair bowlers use the same scoring system and lanes as bowlers who stand. Adaptive devices such as ramps, push sticks, and “handle balls” can be utilized to assist bowlers with less function.
The New England PVA bowling team bowls every Tuesday afternoon at the Westgate Lanes in Brockton, MA starting at 12:00. New England PVA members are encouraged to participate.
The league begins the day after Labor Day and runs 35 weeks. Bowlers may pay every week or in advance as they see fit.
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For more information about New England PVA’s sports and recreational activities please email sports@pvanewengland.org.